Dear Internet,
(Below: Little Benners giving the camera a half wink!)
Did you ever think you would hear from the Miller's again? I'm sure you were concerned. We're back, for a minute. I am throwing in my chemistry towel, and taking a nap. I took a very long final this morning, and I'm quite pleased with the result. I now feel like I can think about other things besides polyatomic ions and atomic trends of the periodic table. PHEW. My brain is tired. I got up early this morning for some last minute cramming and Charlotte got up with me and sat at the table with her pencil. I asked her what she was doing and she said "I gotta do my homework Mommy." I laughed. I may have said that to her about a dozen times in the last few days. My poor neglected kids. Such is the life of a mother and a college student. Benners finally broke his top two teeth through. They are so cute. He is basically the cutest baby I've ever seen. Totally unbiased. He is just a happy kid. He's starting to stand up on his own without holding onto anything, which must mean that walking is eminent. He's almost one, sniff sniff. Charlotte was so excited to start preschool last week. She kept telling me that she goes to school now. She loves her gymnastics and walks around at home with her toes pointed. She and Ben are finally starting to play together. It's so nice. The windows are thrown open and the cool breezes are coming in. I love September! Fall in Utah is the best season. Bye for now.
Spicy Italian Sausage Pasta
9 hours ago