Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patricks and other Random thoughts

It's been a while since I blogged, so here is the quick update. Nothing much has changed. We've taken up bowling as our new hobby and Dustin tries relentlessly to beat me. We continue to watch in horror as the government wastes our tax dollars and digs our country deeper and deeper into debt. Oh a happier note, Survivor is really good this season and for all of you out there that watch it, let's form a club to get Coach voted out. He is the single most ridiculous player I have ever watched! Happy St. Patricks Day. I hope everyone remembers to wear green.


Jensen Family said...

ok we wanna go bowling with you guys sometime.. i love bowling! i'm pretty sure i'll beat you both. jk..i am not good at all. but i do want to go! and yes i have green on! pedi time?! after you said that.. i can't stop looking at my feet!

Amanda said...

Your looking awful thin these days, what has Dustin been feeding you.

Amanda said...

Are you and Dustin wearing twinner shirts.