If you are expecting an exciting post, stop reading now. This is strictly an excited mommy post. Tonight..... Charlotte went to sleep on her own. We have been struggling with her sleeping for the last month and a half. Until about twelve weeks of age she had no problem going to bed. I would feed her, put her in her bed and she would drift off. Then she suddenly became aware that she was alone in her bed. The struggle began. She would cry and I would come to her rescue, not wanting her to be mad at me. Needless to say, I got tired. I got tired of the feeding, rocking, putting her down ever so careful and crawling out of the room, only for her to wake up suddenly and cry. I would start the process all over again. (clearly I am new to this mom thing). I started gathering advise, reading books, ect. ect. Apparently you are allowed to let your baby cry, they will get over it. A couple weeks ago we started letting her cry for short periods of time, a little more each night. Tonight, she didn't cry. I put her down wide awake, left the room and didn't hear a peep from her. I went back in after a few minutes to make sure she was breathing. She was sound asleep like a sweet little princess. I feel like I have accomplished something great. As a mother, it's not often that you feel like you do anything important and I rarely feel like I accomplish anything. It's little moments like this that I live for. On a side note, we got a really cute new dress from my brother and his wife today. I took some pics of Char, she looked to cute. Enjoy.
Spicy Italian Sausage Pasta
21 hours ago
1 comment:
That is a huge success! Congrats! oh, and she looks like she is playing the air guitar... pretty cute still!
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