Did you know Thursday will consist of a lot of factoids that aren't important and most people probably don't want to know. Read On! Did you know that I am possibly the most unexciting person alive? I got up this morning, unsure of what my day would become. Somehow I started going through my pantry. I started putting things in order, because no matter how many times I order my cooking supplies, "someone" un-orders them. Then I got excited. I love order. I love to put things into groups and put like items together. I'm sort of like a four year old in that way. I then went rhythmically thru the whole house and emptied each drawer and bookshelf and cubbie and put everything in order. How does junk accumulate so fast? I'm pretty sure that those same Keebler elves that sneak cookies into my pantry, also sneak clutter into my closets. Those trixy elves! Did you know that my sister just spent an entire week driving across the country? I am green with envy at where she has ended up. Washington! Did you know that I love Washington more then any other state in the union? If you can look past all the raging liberals and the entire eastern side of the state, you will find paradise. Did you know that when my sister and I were little she had a big bed in a big room in the basement? I however, had a little girls room upstairs with pink wallpaper and a white princessy daybed. I longed to be in the basement with the teenagers. I used to go downstairs and sit outside my sisters locked door and beg to sleep in her bed with her. On the rare occasion she let me in and took pity on me. I would lay in her big roomy bed and jabber on like a relentless jabberwocky. She would then remind me not to get to close because I was a human heat factory, and we would proceed to play Ward Directory. One of us would pick a family in our ward and the other would ask as many questions as it took to guess who the family was. Sort of like 20 questions, only the questions were endless. Did you know that my sister and I resurrected aforementioned Ward Directory game and played it on the phone for many hours while she drove across the country? I stumped her good a few times. Did you know that while I wrote this my baby was emptying the top half of the trash can that I just filled up? Don't worry, it wasn't the yucky trash can, just the one with papers.
Spicy Italian Sausage Pasta
21 hours ago
Sara, I love your post!!! You are such a funny writer. I want to be like you when I grow up. My Thursday has been sort of similar. Mckinley is taking a record long nap (which is awesome because she's been in cat nap mode lately) and I decided to clean all the doors in my house. I live in a small town home and still have TWELVE doors. I cleaned all 6 downstairs doors, started with 1 door upstairs, then realized it would probably wake her up, so I stopped and still have 5 doors to go upstairs. I'm waiting till she wakes up so I can feed her and then I'm taking her to the park today and we're gonna walk around and look at the ducks and then sit on a blanket and I am going to write in our journals while I hope she takes another nap. If not, she can lay there and play with me. Staying home with a baby is the funnest thing ever.
Wow, I know how you feel! I think I am kind of an organization freak. We have lived in our new house for a month and a half, and I think I've already organized my pantry 3 times. I was just thinking this morning that my pantry needs to be organized again. unfortunately I think the main culprit here is my kids, but either way, organizing somehow makes me feel better.
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