Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day, early edition.

Memorial Day is starting out bright and early at the Miller household this year. 6:00 a.m. to be exact. How does Charlotte know when it's 6:00? This girl is an early riser, just like her mama. She is sitting here feeding herself some Rice Krispy's for breakfast. I'll take a picture....Done.
She is such a cheese for the camera lately. She busted her lip on the pew at church yesterday, that's the second time that's happened. She's starting to "talk" all the time, and get's really frusterated when I stare blankly. I'm sure those sounds are going to turn into sentences one of these days. We have a BBQ this afternoon that Dustin is so excited for. He really just wants the homemade ice cream, it's his favorite. Well, if you haven't heard the news we're adding a little man Miller to this family. Daddy couldn't be prouder that he made a boy. Boy oh boy, I hope this little guy is a little more mellow than our first, but we'll take him either way.


Stephanie Salmon said...

Congrats on the baby boy!! How exciting. Email me and let me know all the pregnancy details, how it's going and how sick you are and all that. Charlotte is so gorgeous, I want to see her again in real life.

Speech Mama said...

I'm excited for your baby boy!! It was fun seeing you guys again, especially your cutie Char.